Grantees highlight the impact of your support

"This grant will help us provide legal assistance to households at risk of homelessness so they can abate the legal crisis that has placed them at risk, and attain both housing and financial stability. It will also help provide outreach and education to the community and service providers about all existing protections under the law for those people facing homelessness. "

"Support from The New York Bar Foundation has helped us launch and grow our Pro Bono Program, which just had its most successful year ever. The grant helped us to leverage the resources to connect unrepresented litigants in Family Court with a volunteer lawyer who provides the information and advice they need to confidently advocate for themselves and their family in court. We are so grateful for our partnership with The New York Bar Foundation."

 "This grant will help promote family stability on behalf of Bronx fathers and families.  Funds would enable us to leverage our existing relationships and services to clear civil legal barriers to Bronx fathers’ engagement with and support of their children."  

"We are committed to serving victims/survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Nassau County. The funds received by The New York Bar Foundation allows our staff to continue to provide valuable services such as direct representation in Family court to assist our clients in protecting themselves and their children through orders of protection and custody orders. Our services as described by one of our clients are “life changing.” We are grateful to The New York Bar Foundation for their continued support which makes it possible for us to make a difference in our clients’ lives."

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